Sunday, 26 August 2012

Day 29: Spent sight seeing and gallery hopping in Skagen

 Goteborg... feel like I've just been there

half a take on Piers Kroyer's work

Scenes from Skagen

I spent a nice hour chatting to Rev. Ingemar Elf at the Swedish Seamen's Mission


  1. Hi, Ray,
    Sounds and seems you're really enjoying a trip!! A doodle is so pretty. Photos are very beautiful. Enjoy it fully, recharge yourself and don't forget coming home!
    Cheers, Sadami

  2. Thanks Sadami

    I should make it clearer on the blog, that I am now home and the trip took place between May and July this year... I will put something on the header to make it clear.

    I started my Art course today... very exciting.

  3. I am looking for the contact details of Rev. Ingemar Elf of Sweden? One woman has approached me referring his name. I need to check with him. Could you please provide his email ID please?
