Monday 7 March 2011

Countdown to New Zealand

Ten days to go and I will be getting on the 'plane labelled NZ. Actually, it is Qantas, but you know what I mean. I didn't get as far as I had hoped in my plan to take my bike with me. I rang up Expedia, who have given me a very good deal on the trip to NZ, Melbourne and back. The helpful lady said she would ring Qantas and ask about me taking my bike as luggage. I have done this before and what it takes is a discarded bike box, a bike suitably dismantled and other luggage stored around the bike so that it all fits neatly into the box. Anything that can't fit into the box can be put into the back pack... simple. The helpful lady got back to me after a few minutes to say that Qantas are  not answering the phone and would I like to call back later? So I took a not of the number but as yet I have not had the official word about taking my bike as luggage. The next phone call was to the bike shop. I had an idea that they are not open on Monday's and I was right, which means I haven't sorted out a discarded bike box yet!
On the bright side... I had a good run in the winter sunshine and tonight I will be goint to the reconvened 'Life Drawing' classes run by Esther Cohen at Pitclay Gallery, near North Berwick :-)

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